I cannot believe how fast the time is going. I knew it would happen but it's like a smack to the face. Tomorrow we sing our final church program, classes end Friday, and Saturday we head to Puerto Vallarta. Then... back to the good ol' U.S. of A. Soo crazy. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this to end yet.
Anyways, the picture today is a fruit. Mexcian lee chi. It's about 100 times better fresh and it looks like an alien. Who wouldn't want to eat that?
Well I'll share the silly stories first today. I asked for the state ofTexas instead of asking for a pair of scissors, that was hilarious. I dropped my Oreo in my milk and all but got my hand stuck in the cup. I think my host-mother thought I was a barbarian for shoving my hand into my glass to save the cookie. And my class discovered that I flutter my eyelashes/twitter my eyes when I'm concentrating and it's now the joke amongst my roomies. Oh and it's REALLY REALLY rude to snap at someone. It's as if you're calling them your slave... oops.
Weekly updates. I ate my weight in food today at the buffet in some hotel in Chapala. The food was AMAZING, but I'm pretty sure the cake had alcohol in it and no one noticed because I'm sure they're not familiar with that taste. OH, but I'm not either... I also swam, visited Chapala, Ajijic, and Tonala again. I ate the best tortilla I've ever had in my life. Oh and I bought my plant (Bernini) a sweet new pot.
Anyways, I've been sleeping for like 5 hours a night for the past bit because I've been trying to do everything and anything. Soooo I think it's about time I get on that sleeping thing. Hasta Luego.
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