Well my roomie and I have another hilarious fail-sauce of a story. Our service for the next few weeks is working in a school for the blind ( as mentioned before) and today was their big extravaganza. We of course had no idea how to get to the theater because it's across town. However, one of the group members told us to go to the school and there would be a ride for us at 2. Well my roomie went to go buy bus passes so I was waiting for her to get back so we could go. She got back at 1:45 (just as a side note, it takes 45 minutes to walk to school). So I grabbed my roomie after we ate some delicious lunch (spaghetti!!) and we ran/took a cab to the University. Well we got there 26 minutes late and we just assumed our ride left. Our cell phone was/is also not working because we haven't gotten it fully set up, therefore we couldn't call anyone to find out where we need to go, so we sadly walked home. Well the second we get home my friend calls me and asks where I am. I tell him I went to the school and no one was there. Apparently he meant the School for the Blind not our school/university. So we missed the show and instead went into a panaderia (bakery) and bought some delicious cookies. I'm still bummed but the cookies were quite good.
OH and I watched my friend pour water from 3 stories up onto the nicest girl in our group. I don't think he meant to actually hit her but the wind was just perfect. We laughed for a good 3 minutes. She wasn't upset, only her arm was hit sooo no big deal. I'll just have the image of her screaming "MI MANO"in my head for the rest of my life.
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