How many seat belts I've worn since I've been here : 1
How many dead bodies I've seen: 1
How many times a day I see a man without a limb: 1-3
How many Fantas I've had: 3
How many times I've been ill: 1
How many times I've almost died: 2
How many times I've done laundry: 2
How many times I've had anything remotely American: 4
How many super embarrassing things have I done: too many to count
How many butts have I touched on the bus on accident: A LOT
How many times have I been almost kidnapped: 1
How many times have I gone legit-not running-from-the rain-running... 2 (I walk 8 miles a day, that's like running 3 miles right?)
How many beans have I eaten: about 1/2 a cup a day for a month, so a lot
How many outrageously disgusting things have I eaten: 4
How much money spent: far far too much
So far really really good. :) Kind of never want to leave.
Things checked off of the Mexico Bucket List
- Eat delicious Mexican ice cream: CHECK
- Drink Mexican soda such as Fanta: CHECK (Coca Cola is just as terrible here)
- Eat some scrumptious Mexican Cake and Churros; CHECK!!!!!!
- Authentic Mexican hot chocolate: Check (best thing in the world)
- Tacos: Check
- Freaky Fruits: Check (The apple-pear, pretty awesome)
- Learn salsa: check
- Ride in back of a truck through Mexico: check (did NOT think that one was going to happen)
- Use payphone: check
- Ride a donkey while wearing a sombrero.... not yet
Who knows what will happen now, all the normal stuff is out of the way. :)
Anita your soo funny! Miss you!