I'll throw some warnings though. 1: The maids at our hotel stole money from our rooms. 2: there are some super jerk vendors in Puerto Vallarta. One man got mad at me for not spending 70 bucks on a wooden box so he followed me out of the store all but harassing me. He kept saying that money wasn't a big deal it was just paper. I responded by saying that my money wasn't paper and I needed it for school and what not. He then got angry and said, well I'm not the one on vacation. I work 10 hours a day and I have a wife and 4 kids to put through school. And he just kept blabbing away and following me out of his shop and into the road. He just kept giving me junk. I just said nope, no thanks and kept walking until he stopped.That is definitely how you sell things to tourists. Mind you he said all of this in English so I wasn't having a communication issue. oh and 3: the ocean is really really dirty in July and August because it's rainy season so don't plan a snorkeling trip.
Anyways, this trip has been outrageously awesome and I'm sad it's ending. Every week was composed of huge amounts of delicious food, trips around Mexico, hanging out with friends, and just tons and tons of fun. OH and I spoke some Spanish I guess. I'm really grateful for this experience and it was honestly one of the best decisions I have ever made. Now it's time to go back to reality where I have to pay bills, eat college food, and work. But I get to speak English again so I dare say I'm pretty content. Estoy Satisfecha.