Anyways, I'll just get to the good stuff and tell about all the stupid things I've done so far, which honestly haven't been that good, but they will be. Yesterday we met our host mothers and chatted a little. I love my host family by the way. They talk really slow for me and feed me TONS of food. They own a panaderia (bread shop) so we get delicious pastries and breads. :D Well, Maggie (my host mother) asked me how old I was and having not spoken spanish in 7 weeks I just said what I thought sounded right. I said veintinueve (29) she looked at me funny and then my roommate corrected me and said no, we're diecinueve (19). I started off on a great foot (rolling my eyes right now). That wasn't a big deal really, we just joke about my age all the time now.
I also had a hilarious moment yesterday with the refrigerator. I have these pills for my typhoid immunization (which I procrastinated getting like a pro) and they have to go into the refrigerator. Granted they have been out of the fridge since 4am, so they're probably worthless now; but, I went downstairs super late after unpacking to throw them in there and as I opened the fridge I heard this freaky alarm noise. Then as I closed the door of the fridge it made the noise again. So I went to my roomie's room and told her that there was an alarm on the fridge or something because it made weird noises when i opened it. We kind of laughed it off and forgot about it. Then today during dinner I heard the freaky alarm noise but the fridge never opened. Then we heard it again and we realized that it was the clock on the wall and not the fridge. We laughed for a solid 3 minutes. Our host family was super confused at the random burst of laughter. I felt so dumb but it was hilarious nonetheless.
Well, I'm sick of writing. So in a nut shell, mexico is great. I haven't had a cheese encounter yet which shocks me, but I'm really glad. The food is amazing though. Breakfast was composed of fresh mango with yogurt, eggs with crazy spices in it, bean something or another, pastries and hot chocolate. They feed you tons for breakfast and lunch because they don't really have a dinner. Dinner is late and is usually composed of a piece of bread and a drink. Anyways, I'll post more silly stories when I get some, but in the mean time. Hasta Luego!
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